Saturday, April 30, 2011

003: Syamin's Art

heheh..da lame tak bru nk update la tahu nk update ape..hoho ..sengal =='
by reading the title..korang mesti paham punye..hoho..bkn nk nunjuk..just..(heshh..lantak aq la kan..) kt hostel 2 bored + lonely giler..then ..mcm da tkde kje nk wt'm thinking for doing this work..boleh hilang kan boring'm going on for that,,i mean "melukis" ...heshh..mmg da tkde kje la the way ,.korang nk thu..buku hijau aq yg dulunye kosong dan tk pena melangkah ke page lain...kini sudah berubah wajah..i mean..bku 2 da byk kje2 yg tk sepatotnye aq it is meaning that aq bosan giler la kt nk taip byk2 ni..tgk la ape aq wt..hasil yg 'bored + lonely' td,,.
inilah hasil nye,..

so ..korang da tgk..heheh...sory la tak suke senanye nk ati aq la kan..korang nk ckap ape..mcm aq kesah pulak..hahahah..dripada blog aq tk ,,better aq letak je entry ni..heheh..act..lukisan 2 bermkne seseorang..hhuuhu..
aq rndu dye..2 yg aq wt kje2 mcm 2..da la time ckgu ade..aduih..mmg tkde kje la kan,..boring sgt blaja..hohho..klaw rse cntik..puji je la..(hahaah..prasan,)lntak korg! :P

002: full heart :D

Dear Darling,...

i never thought that i would find
someone so kind and so great like you
i look up to you in every way
'cause i learnt something from you
since i know you
without you i don't know what will
happen and where i'd be
tirelessly you're still here guarding
and loving me
constantly and endlessly you showering 
your love
it doesn't a matter what you do or say
because you're so inspiring me in
every way 
and for you i'd give all my heart till 
i die
everything on you is an inspiration 
for me to do great
you're so meaningful to my life
and my soul
and a willing heart 
i want to say that 
"dear,i love you so much"


Saturday, April 2, 2011


hehehe...hariniplansepatotnyetaknakpegimne2..dandan la kan..nakwatkejeskolabagaila..huh..shittt!!hampehje..(tolong la wt space 2 syamina.hehehe..ngade2):P

okayyokayyy...hoho..sepatotnye dok uma la study..wt keje bm yg cikgu kesyangan 2 bg..dandan je..dah ade plan..nak pegi rumah piqa n hayati roslan..mereke wat kenduri..hehhe..hari ni knon nk bgun awl.. tgk2 bgun kol sepuluhlebehjugak..hahaahah..bese la kan myn..siape tak kenal..tak kenal wt kenal je kay..:) bgun2 g mandi..beh mndi ngadap tv...ape cari mkanan kt dpur..heheh..nsib baik mk ade beli nasik lemak lauk ayam sambal dicampur paruparu..ehheeh..citer nk gempak je..ohohhoh =,=
kayy..berbalik pd plan td..pkol 2.30 mesti dah kne ade kt umah PakCik piker dah nak pkai bju ape..tak pyah sementare 2..kol 1...kol 1suku...kol 1setengah...kol 1.patlime...kol 2...bru nk ciap2...kelam kabut..tahu pn ..siape sruh online..eiqa la ni..bkan nk ingat kan aq..hahahah..salah kan org pulak..huhuhu :)) 

tga siap2...shawl pulak tak thu nk pkai yg mne..haishhh!!..bpe byk nye aq kembor shawl2..tak reti kemas..balik2 kne bising ngn akak aq tuh..=,= heheh..punye la byk kembor..last2 pkai yang biase kentuuttt je.. :0 najwa kol lak kte bpak dye yg anta..okay2...lg la kelam kabut..sampai kamera pn tak takpe..nsib bek de phone..hahah
kayy la..dpat jumpe dorang kan..lepaking..hihihihi...this is some of the day.. :))

 ili athirah...

 zaty n yatt

 ain n piqa

 M to the E to the R to the E to the K to the A




 najwa n il

 chumel n gumuxx..hahahha